Earlier this year at the Consumer Electronics Show, Sharp launched LC-80LE844U, which at the time was the world’s largest LED LCD TV, measuring an 80-inch screen. Now bettering their own achievement, the brand has launched an LED HDTV that measures 90-inch, giving it the tag of the world’s largest LED HDTV.
The Sharp AQUOS is a 90-inch diagonal AQUOS LED TV (model LC-90LE745U), unveiled recently by Sharp. Sharp claims that at nearly 4 feet tall and 6 feet and 8 inches wide, the 90-inch AQUOS is the world's largest LED TV. Its picture quality is as stunning as its size, displaying crisp and clear content at HD 1080p resolution.
The TV is thin and light, weighing only 141 lbs without the stand and at less than 5 inches deep, it's easy to mount on a wall. With LED technology, it is also energy-efficient and uses less energy than two 75-watt light bulbs and averages only $28 per year to operate.
The 90-inch class AQUOS features Sharp's proprietary SmartCentral, offering direct access to the most popular apps and video on demand from services like Netflix, YouTube, CinemaNow, Hulu Plus and VUDUTM. It also has web browsing and Skype capabilities and built-in Wi-Fi support.
Sharp's new 90-inch class LED TV is a full HD active 3DTV, and packs two 3D glasses. It is also equipped with AquoMotion 240, to make fast-action motions seamless, without blurring - a great feature when watching action movies or sports that feature lots of quick camera movements.
Like all new Wi-Fi enabled Sharp TVs, the LC-90LE745U features AQUOS Advantage LIVESM, a free service for owners that connects them directly over the Internet to trained customer support representatives. These advisors can remotely assist with set-up and settings management directly over the Internet and phone, offering an "in- home" technician to help problem solve any question or issue.
The LC-90LE745U is available now at select retailers for a suggested retail price of $10,999.99 in the U.S. As of now, there is no word on the pricing or availability of this large television in India.
Source:- Tech2
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