Nokia has unveiled the Asha Touch family of mobile devices, taking the full touch experience to new price points. The three new phone models - the Nokia Asha 305, Nokia Asha 306 and Nokia Asha 311, further expand the Asha family, first introduced in October 2011. These phones have been designed to provide a smartphone-like experience to consumers who want to be set free from excessive data consumption costs and short battery life.
The Nokia Asha 305 key specs:
- Easy Swap Dual-SIM
- Wi-Fi
- 3-inch WQVGA resistive touchscreen
- 2MP camera
The Nokia Asha 311 key specs:
- 3-inch capacitive touchscreen
- 1GHz processor
- 3.2MP camera
- pre-installed Nokia Maps.
The new devices take advantage of the Nokia Browser 2.0, which uses Nokia's cloud technology to reduce data consumption by up to 90 percent, meaning that consumers can get faster and cheaper Internet access. Websites load up to three times faster, in comparison to devices without cloud-accelerated browsing, making it simple for users to browse through their stuff.
The Nokia Asha 305, Asha 306 and Asha 311 have been created keeping entertainment in mind. All users will receive an exclusive gift of 40 EA games to download for free. These games range across action, arcade and sports, and include titles, such as Tetris, Bejeweled, Need for Speed The Run and EA Sports’ FIFA 12. The Nokia Asha 311 also comes with 15 levels of Angry Birds pre-loaded onto the phone. It comes with a 3.2MP camera and pre-installed Nokia Maps.
The estimated retail price for Nokia Asha 305 is EUR 63 (approx Rs. 4,362) and it's expected to start shipping in the second quarter of 2012. The estimated retail price for Nokia Asha 306 is EUR 68 (approx Rs. 4,708). The Nokia Asha 311 has an estimated retail price of EUR 92 (approx Rs. 6,371). Both devices are expected to start shipping in the third quarter of 2012. Above mentioned prices exclude taxes and subsidies. Pricing and availability for India hasn’t been mentioned, so stay tuned to this space for more details.
Source:- Tech2
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