Friday, April 20, 2012

Samsung US Olympic Genome Project connects you with athletes

Samsung, in its effort to integrate more in the sports world, has come up with a Facebook application that shows you how you might be connected to Olympians or at least, athletes competing in the Olympics. The app gathers information it collects from your Facebook profile to show you how you might be connected. Connections include being from the same town, or you may have gone to the same college, or, who knows, you might have an uncle in common. Samsung crosses your information with a databse that they have, which holds the information of 3,000 athletes. It shows you which athletes you have the most in common with and why. The athletes that you have connections with earn you points and the deeper the connection, the more the points. For instance, a member of the US rowing team Meghan Musnicki went to the same college I did, so she earned me 90 points. A member of the cycling team, Mackenzie Woodring earned me 60 points because we both have "Liked" the Muppets movie on Facebook. 

Aside from integrating more into the sports world, another objective behind this project is actually awareness. People are usually well aware of the popular athletes aka, the ones that win more often. However, this app provides users a chance to connect with lesser known athletes. The point is that it's always cool to have something in common with even someone who doesn't win as often but is still at the Olympic level in his or her sport. Granted, these are all Team USA athletes and therefore connections might be few and far between.

Aside from connections, the app also contains games that you can play to score points. Furthermore, there are opportunities provided for winning tickets to the games in London in 2012, Sochi, Russia in 2014 and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2016. You use your points, or tokens, to enter the contests to win the tickets to these events. It takes 10 tokens to enter and you can enter once per day. The prizes are available till the 11th of May, 2012. There are also events like trials that the app prompts you to go to. If you say that you'll go, you can win tokens. Furthermore, there are quizzes and questions to help you gain more tokens. To get started on the Samsung US Olympics Genome Project, go to the Facebook application here.

Source:- Tech2

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